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I have a Master's in Counseling & Art Therapy and have spent the last 15 years helping women express the truest version of themselves.
After opening my studio in 2014, I became obsessed with helping anyone make even the simplest, stick figure drawing and have it reveal surprising Soul Messages.
I created the Art as a Soul Language® method after seeing that:
some type of art led to deeper, soul guidance
and other types of art did not
People find this method easy to follow and that the personal messages they receive help them heal and find their life's purpose.

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I've always loved art but never wanted to be a professional artist.
For me, art has always been about connection with my Self and receiving guidance
After getting my Master's in Art Therapy, I had an experience that helped me realize my art was guiding me towards my purpose...

When I Realized Art Was Guiding Me to My Purpose...

If you like art but...

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❌ Don't know HOW to make art with Soul Messages...

❌ Haven't actually made art for years...

❌ Feel lost where to begin...

And you're longing to:

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🤩 Reconnect with your Creative Spirit

🤩 Unleash the truest version of you

🤩 Express your authentic truth!

🤩 Use art to find your purpose again...

You're in the right place!

Art as a Soul Language RE-connects with your inner knowing.

Providing clarity & direction for the YOU you're becoming.
No longer looking outside yourself for answers only you can know...
This art will reveal messages from your soul telling you exactly what you need to hear, to confidently follow your truth.
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Get the Free Guide to Using Art as a Soul Language®

It will reveal:
My trademarked method for making art with Soul Messages
Sneak peek into people's Soul Art
3 surprising ways art can reveal your purpose
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I enjoyed an in person art studio in Westminster, CO for 6 years.  During Covid we went completely online and closed down the in person space.
I was surprised by some of the benefits of doing this work online:
1. You are always with your art (it's not left at the studio)
2. You can join class from the comfort of your own home
3. Zero carbon footprint! (no driving to class)
4. We get to connect soul-aligned women from all over the country
5. You make space for art in your home AND in your life!

Now I'm living my dream life in Costa Rica with my family in an eco-community.
We enjoy the feeling of alive-ness living in the jungle surrounded by beauty and neighbors who care.
I'm raising my daughter to be an empowered, emotionally aware, compassionate girl who knows how to live the path of the heart!

I spend most of my time leading Wild Women  - my women's program that uses art as a path of self discovery helping women who feel lost or stuck discover their soul purpose.

Read More About Wild Women HERE
Paint From Your Soul
And I certify people in Paint From Your Soul™ - for those who dream of being an empowering force in the world and using creativity to empower others.

Read More About Paint From Your Soul HERE
MBodied Art Studio
(720) 507-5724
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