Michelle Baker, MA Abstract Art is Freedom!Did you know most kids stop making art around the age of 11 or 12? At this point in cognitive development, kids begin to want their art...
Michelle Baker, MA Haven for IntrovertsI’m sitting in a roomful of people who are silent, totally absorbed in what they are doing, soft music playing in the background and a...
Michelle Baker, MA Choosing Art for Your HomePhotographs, drawings, paintings, any of these can instantly warm up a space and transform it into a home. It’s time to liven up those...
Michelle Baker, MA Ways to Foster Your Child’s CreativityA lot of people believe that creativity is an inborn talent. But the truth is, creativity is more of a skill that can be harnessed. And...
Michelle Baker, MA The Origin of Tiger WomanIn the summer of 2012 I had just graduated with my Master’s in Art Therapy and could not find a job. 3 years of hard work, introspection...